
吉那紐西蘭異想廚房 的聯繫方式

: 高雄市

07-5229369() /

:週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間

吉那紐西蘭異想廚房在湯品的堅持上,選用新鮮食材燉煮,運用大量蔬果或馬鈴薯的天然澱粉質,經過熬煮之後產生自然濃稠,在營養及口感上絕非太白粉或一般芶芡粉可比擬。 吉那紐西蘭異想廚房用新鮮香草與帕瑪森起司調製青醬,用新鮮蕃茄與紅酒熬製吉那特製蕃茄醬,用高品質奶油與鮮奶燉製白醬,再選用比一般店家貴三倍的義大利麵條,堅持給您天然、美味、無負擔的料理。 吉那紐西蘭異想廚房採用法國進口天然酵母,無發粉添加,依據當天溫度與溼度調整發酵時間來製作披薩餅皮,純手工現點、現攤、現做,天然的食材與高品質起司加上用心來做料理,讓您在品嘗美味的同時健康也無後顧之憂。 吉那紐西蘭異想廚房絕不使用味精、嫩肉精、濃縮高湯…等化學調味料,若是口味濃淡上需要增減,煩請您告知我們,您的每一個意見都是我們進步的原動力。


I’ll start by introducing myself . I’m a Taiwanese, and my husband is a New Zealand born Hong kong. We both are qualified Chef’s. We own a small cafe call Gina’s cafe. We put professionalism first, which applies to food, coffee and service, as well as mood, amosphere, comfort, and most important hygiene and safety. we are not just your average cafe which only does coffee and sandwiches, we also have pizza’s, pasta, rice dishes, salads, set menu, wireless internet, and many more. we also try to stay healthy, we use olive oil in cooking, we make all our sauces with fresh quality products, nothing is bought pre made, such as our pizza base, tomatoe base, white sauce, aioli sauce, lemon vinegarette. That the way to life these days, staying healthy, as well as having our own unique taste. So please come and check us out and put a good feedback if you happen to enjoy it, we will do our best to make your welcome a unforgetable one. 


吉那紐西蘭異想廚房 的聯繫地址:高雄市鼓山區美術北五街61號

