
泰舒活養生館 的聯繫方式

: 台北市

02-27811155() / 02-27523509

:週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間


~泰國古式舒壓~ 泰式古法舒壓源於2,500年前的印度,有著悠久的歷史。始創人JIVAKA KUMAR BHACCHA與活在印度,並被視為甚具傳奇性的醫生釋迦牟尼在同一時代出現,他也是古印度國王的醫生。 Traditional Thai Acupressure Massage had its beginning in the India 2,500 years ago, which hasvenerability. The beginner JIVAKA KUMAR BHACCHA lives at the same times as Sakyam-uni who is the famous and legendary doctor, and he is the doctor of king of old-India. 人體內的能量源自日常呼吸的空氣和攝取的食物,身體的能量線域容許能量在內 活動,并稱之為能量經脈。 泰式古法舒壓集中調理人體中10個最重要的能量線,這些線域聯系著各大主要器官的穴位。有經驗的舒壓師會透過舒壓去刺激人的線域與穴位,從而幫助調理身體、疏通阻滯的部位、舒筋活脈、強身健體、減輕痛楚和不適感。當人體受到刺激、疏通及平衡體內流動的能量後,將賦予身體天然的自癒能力。 Traditional Thai Acupressure Massage focuses on ten of our points at which a person is supposed to be lethally vulnerable. It will make our body feel more comfortable 這種舒壓舒壓看似簡單,不用更衣,只需配合一些瑜伽姿勢的整治,整套理療的動作靈活優美,并有如舞蹈般具有節奏和流暢感覺。 This kind of massage is simple that we don’t have to change clothes and only have to cooperate to some of yoga posture. The action of all set of ma


泰舒活養生館 的聯繫地址:台北市松山區八德路二段429號地圖

